Defamation-Are you covered?

Tom WallaceHomeowners Insurance, Liability Insurance

Defamation: Libel, Slander & Social Media

Social media posts allow us to keep in touch with friends and family. Social media allows a handy way to express our opinions. Blogs of all kinds are very popular.  All age groups use these outlets for expression. What if a view point goes to far and someone takes offense and sues for defamation?

Personal Injury Coverage

Homeowners policies automatically provide bodily injury and property damage coverage. However, adding a Personal Injury coverage endorsement provides coverage for defamation. Opposite of a Homeowners policy an Umbrella Liability policy can afford additional protection as they often automatically include coverage for defamation.

The intentional nature of defamation means courts must interpret defamation differently than other intentional acts. When a person makes statements that are not true coverage issues will exist. Evaluation of defamation cases follow specific criteria.  A link to an Insurance Journal article below explains these criteria further. Defending a claim costs money. An insurer pays defense costs when coverage exists. Another great feature to coverage applies even to fraudulent lawsuits or lawsuits without merit. The duty to defend an insured can be broader than the duty to cover a settlement so defense is provided in even in these cases. However, providing defense coverage will not apply to a suit specifically excluded in the policy. Purchasing the coverage gives a chance of protection but not having it will give none.

For those who like to dig into details this is a good article Insurance Journal

Time Has Come

Social media has made personal injury coverage more relevant. Given the nature of how we communicate it is worth a few bucks a year. Not sure if Personal Injury coverage exists in your policy? Contact us and we can help.