Do I really need my Umbrella Liability policy?
Defamation-Are you covered?
Defamation: Libel, Slander & Social Media Social media posts allow us to keep in touch with friends and family. Social media allows a handy way to express our opinions. Blogs of all kinds are very popular. All age groups use these outlets for expression. What if a view point goes to far and someone takes offense and sues for defamation? …
Car Insurance-Damage to Property of Others
Auto Insurance Coverage Series Auto Insurance consists of different coverage parts rolled into one contract. Almost all states require liability coverage to put a car on the road. Financial responsibility laws establish a minimum limit of liability for two components. Bodily injury and death claims have a coverage part and so does car insurance property damage. Car Insurance …
Car Insurance – Liability for Injuries to Other People
Auto Insurance Coverage Series Auto Insurance consists of different coverage parts rolled into one contract. Liability coverage is typically required in order to put a car on the road. Most states have financial responsibility laws that establish a minimum limit of liability for two components, bodily injury and property damage. This post is specific to the bodily injury portion, …